y1000+ Project

Main Content

Figshare link for data from 2024
Genomic factors shape carbon and nitrogen metabolic niche breadth across Saccharomycotina yeasts

Figshare link for data from 2018
Tempo and mode of genome evolution in the budding yeast subphylum

Blast link for 2018
Tempo and mode of genome evolution in the budding yeast subphylum

Stain requests should generally be directed to the NRRL Culture Collection, the source of most strains, or Westerdijk Institute CBS Culture Collection, the source of the second most strains. Please see the published Data and Materials Availability statement and Data S1 for details.

Figures for Viewing

Requests have been made for some of the figures in the publication "Genomic factors shape carbon and nitrogen metabolic niche breadth across Saccharomycotina yeasts." to be available in other formats for printability. You can print with many pdf viewers, such as Adobe, as a poster to be able to clearly see the text. See the following:
Figure 2 linear, in svg format
Figure 2 circular, in svg format
Figure 2 circular, in pdf
Figure 2 circular without the outer rings


Westerdijk Institute

US Department of Agriculture

Vanderbilt University